There is nothing worse than coming home on a hot day and finding that your AC finally decided to give up and quit. Before you give up, too, and spend…
What is Legionnaires’ Disease?
Although it has yet to affect Florida, Legionnaires’ Disease has been in the news lately and many homeowners might wonder how it’s related to HVAC systems. Legionnaires’ Disease is a…
Are Aerosol Air Fresheners Bad For You?
Everyone loves a home that smells fresh and fragrant, but there are numerous things that can make a home smell unpleasant. This may include grease from cooking, pets, smoking, or…
Are More Expensive Air Filters Worth It?
Your HVAC system is responsible for circulating an immense amount of air throughout your home. It dehumidifies the air and cools it. The problem arises when dust, dander, pet hair,…
What Temperature Should I Set My AC for My Pets?
The summer heat in Florida can be unbearable at times, and many people enjoy the luxury of air conditioning in their homes during the more humid months. Running an air…
How to Allergy Proof Your Home
If you suffer from allergies, you know the pains of feeling itchy, sneezy, and stuffy. But while your first instinct might be to reach for the nearest allergy medicine, allergy…
How to Purify Your Home’s Air
Most of us like to think that our homes are fairly clean. That’s why we vacuum the floors, dust the furniture and scrub the bathtub. However, there is one crucial…