Indoor air quality is an important concept, especially if you have severe allergies or are asthmatic. There are some myths about indoor air quality that you should consider, including the following.
The Top 5 Myths About Indoor Air Quality
1. There is no need to replace AC sensors
This is not true. AC sensors have a shelf life of around one to ten years, and a faulty sensor can hurt your indoor air quality, too.
2. Improving indoor air quality is difficult, if not impossible
Once again, this is not true. Investing in a good HVAC system will help to improve air quality, and many certified air technicians can provide a “Home Air Quality Evaluation” to ensure your air is clean. Here are some more tips for improving your indoor air quality.
3. Air pollution is only an outdoor problem
Again, this is not true. Some estimates are that indoor air can be 12 times worse than the air outdoors. Contact your state’s CDC Department for more information.
4. Ozone generators are safe for your health
At times, this can be true, especially when they are being used to treat asthma. However, please be aware that they often emit harmful substances and must be properly managed in a home setting.
5. All HVAC Technicians are the same
Don’t think for a minute that you should not properly vet your HVAC technician. Ask them about their credentials and experience. Here are some tips to follow.
Contact Complete Air Mechanical for HVAC Service
For more information on this and other important HVAC services, contact Complete Air Mechanical.
Call us today at (407) 915-0144 or schedule an appointment online.